32 Poems welcomes submissions from February 1st to April 30th (2/1 – 4/30) and from July 1st to October 31st (7/1 – 10/31). We respond quickly (usually within three weeks) and request that submitters keep that time frame in mind as they submit elsewhere. Poets who have not received a response within 90 days are encouraged to query regarding their manuscript's status.

Poetry Guidelines

As a rule we publish shorter poems that fit on a single page (about 32 lines), though we have been known to make occasional exceptions to accommodate remarkable work that runs a little longer. Send no more than five poems in a submission and no more than one active submission at a time. We do not accept translations or work that have been previously published in print or online.

For online submissions we charge a small reading fee, waived for current subscribers. (Click here to subscribe now.) This money goes to support the publication of 32 Poems, which, as an independent journal with an all-volunteer staff, continues to publish only through the generosity of our dedicated readers.            

Review Guidelines

32 Poems seeks reviews of recent poetry collections for online Prose Features. For us, poetry is a collaboration between poets and readers, and reviews showcase that dialogue. We believe that reviews shouldn’t simply be about good writing; they should be good writing. With that in mind, we aim to introduce our readers to the diverse talents of reviewees and reviewers as well as offer a space for important discussions about craft. While we prefer reviews that eschew ascerbic zingers and aesthetically dogmatic whistle-blowing, we enjoy thoughtful criticism that accounts for a collection’s weaknesses and the various challenges facing contemporary poets.

Potential reviewers should consider the following guidelines and suggestions:

  • We prefer longer reviews of 1,000+ words as we believe that this length allows for sustained exploration and questioning, whereas shorter forms more often contain only evaluation.
  • Avoid passive voice. (Don’t tell us what the poems are, but rather consider how they work.)
  • Consider how this collection relates to others stylistically and thematically.
  • Consider how the collection operates as a project as well as in individual poems.


32 Poems welcomes unsolicited poetry from February 1st to April 30th (2/1 – 4/30) and from August 1st to October 31st (8/1 – 10/31). We respond quickly (often within a few weeks) and poets who have not received a response within 90 days are encouraged to query regarding their manuscript's status.

As a rule, we publish shorter poems that fit on a single page, but we sometimes make exceptions to accommodate remarkable work that runs a little longer. Please send no more than five poems (in a single document, if submitting online) and no more than one active submission at a time. We do not accept translations or work that has been previously published in print or online.

We believe poets should be paid for their work (and wish we could pay more). Contributors receive $25 per poem and two copies of the issue in which their writing appears.

For online submissions, we charge a $3 reading and processing fee, but that fee is waived for current subscribers. 

32 Poems welcomes unsolicited poetry from February 1st to April 30th (2/1 – 4/30) and from August 1st to October 31st (8/1 – 10/31). We respond quickly (often within a few weeks) and poets who have not received a response within 90 days are encouraged to query regarding their manuscript's status.

As a rule, we publish shorter poems that fit on a single page, but we sometimes make exceptions to accommodate remarkable work that runs a little longer. Please send no more than five poems (in a single document, if submitting online) and no more than one active submission at a time. We do not accept translations or work that has been previously published in print or online.

We believe poets should be paid for their work (and wish we could pay more). Contributors receive $25 per poem and two copies of the issue in which their writing appears.

For online submissions, we charge a $3 reading and processing fee, but that fee is waived for current subscribers. 

32 Poems seeks reviews of recent poetry collections for online Prose Features. For us, poetry is a collaboration between poets and readers, and reviews showcase that dialogue. We believe that reviews shouldn’t simply be about good writing; they should be good writing. With that in mind, we aim to introduce our readers to the diverse talents of reviewees and reviewers as well as offer a space for important discussions about craft. While we prefer reviews that eschew ascerbic zingers and aesthetically dogmatic whistle-blowing, we enjoy thoughtful criticism that accounts for a collection’s weaknesses and the various challenges facing contemporary poets.
Potential reviewers should consider the following guidelines and suggestions:

  • We prefer longer reviews of 1,000+ words as we believe that this length allows for sustained exploration and questioning, whereas shorter forms more often contain only evaluation.
  • Avoid passive voice. (Don’t tell us what the poems are, but rather consider how they work.)
  • Consider how this collection relates to others stylistically and thematically.
  • Consider how the collection operates as a project as well as in individual poems.
32 Poems